- Fixed setting for repeat watch vibration during phone ring. (code need to be cleared and optimised)
- On my samsung phone, when call is ended, on watch shows notification with name "Phone" and vibrates until disconnect from app. I tryed to fix it, but don't know is it successful.
- Add command for cancel notification, e.g. when answer phone call.
- Add blood pressure calibration status.
- On watch preserve small phone icon near bluetooth icon only when call is missed, in other cases clear it.
- When phone alarm triger - send notification on watch
P.S. To apply altitude calibration, need to disconnect and reconnect watch
- All ID115 settings migrated, allowing removal from settings activity
- All timeformat settings for all devices migrated
- All wrist location settings for all devices migrated (now you can have a mi band 3 on the left wrist and a bip on the right wrist :P)
Also deduplicated some strings from zetime/generic preferences