Since Android 5.0, media players can have interactive notifications that
reside in the notification area, and offer up to 5 control buttons
(play/pause, next, previous, etc), and information about the currentlu
playing media file.
We use these notifications to get information about the currently
playing media file such as:
- artist
- track (title)
- album
- duration (length of the media file)
- play state (playing, paused, stopped)
- position
- play rate (how fast is the media file being played)
We then send this information up to the device.
On Pebble, the music app will display the title and the artist, as
well as a progress bar showing the current position. The progress bar is
animated when the media file is being played, and if it is being paused,
it displays a pause symbol.
This code will be skipped when GadgetBridge is run on a device with
Android version older than 5.0 (lollipop).
This commit contains the infrastructure needed for the
NotificationHandler to send music state information to the device. That
is, it introduces a call onSetMusicState(MusicStateSpec stateSpec), that
in turn sets up an intent to the service, which will then call the
encodeSetMusicState() function of the device. encodeSetMusicState is
available for pebble only. There are empty stubs for other devices.
encodeSetMusicState will be accessible on its own. If it was used to set
the music state, a call to encodeSetMusicInfo must not reset this info
PocketCasts tells about its current media state via notifications. This
patch tries to parse incoming notifications from PocketCasts and if
successful tells the device about it. Currently supported are track and
This will nack all pebble health datalog messages. As mentioned in #322, this would allow to use multiple android device without secondary devices "sipping" the health data from the watch.
- moved out of GBApplication to class Logging
- the main thing is: when start()ing the FileAppender again, it *must*
- be configured to be non-lazy, otherwise it won't open the stream ever again.
Some APIs have become synchronous, it seems, e.g.
connectGatt() -> onConnectionStateChanged() -> discoverServices() -> onServicesDiscovered()
appears to happen synchronously. So connectGatt() will not return before services are discovered!
So now we deal with this situation.
This message was previously treated as a further "Sleep" message type, with firmware version 3.12 further types were added that are clearly unrelated to sleep (possibly to high-intensity activities like running etc.), hence the related code is now moved to a separate class.
The only decoded records are still sleep-related.