- one fragment per chart screen
- common chart code should move to fragment baseclass and the host
Activity (ChartsActivity)
Currently it's not used, change ControlCenter to invoke ChartsActivity
instead of SleepChartActivity to test it.
WIP for #79
- use just one data set, because multiple data sets is not supported
by MPAndroidChart (the way we need it)
Now there is hardly any space between the bars anymore
- allow scaling x and y axis independently via pinch gesture
- set fixed y max value (1.0) so that the display is stable and
independent of the actual available data
- (at least temporarily) display y labels
- supports zooming an panning
- displays labels for all x-values (= time of day)
- fix deep vs. light sleep constants
- increase activity data buffer size for Mi Band
- Bluetooth connection is now established in BtSocketIOThread
- Service is now started as soon as the main activity is started
- changed "start service" button to "connect" button
- quit button in service notification now also quits the main activity
- Service notification now displays "Gadgetbride started",
"connected to Pebble XXXXX" and "not connected" depending on connection state
- only ask for notication monitoring permissions the on first start
- filter out annoying system messages like keyboard notifications
- rearrange buttons
- bugfix for message being ignored when sending a test message to the
Pebble (sender was used as message content)