2023-10-02 10:48:10 +02:00
syntax = "proto2"; // we must use proto2 to serialize default values on the wire
package xiaomi;
option java_package = "nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.proto.xiaomi";
option java_outer_classname = "XiaomiProto";
message Command {
required uint32 type = 1;
optional uint32 subtype = 2;
optional Auth auth = 3;
optional System system = 4;
optional Health health = 10;
optional Music music = 20;
optional Notification notification = 9;
optional Weather weather = 12;
optional Schedule schedule = 19;
optional uint32 status = 100; // 0 on success on some
// Auth
message Auth {
// 1, 26
optional PhoneNonce phoneNonce = 30;
optional WatchNonce watchNonce = 31;
// 1, 27
optional AuthStep3 authStep3 = 32;
optional AuthStep4 authStep4 = 33;
message PhoneNonce {
required bytes nonce = 1;
message WatchNonce {
required bytes nonce = 1;
required bytes hmac = 2;
message AuthStep3 {
required bytes encryptedNonces = 1;
required bytes encryptedDeviceInfo = 2; // AuthDeviceInfo
message AuthStep4 {
required uint32 unknown1 = 1;
required uint32 unknown2 = 2;
message AuthDeviceInfo {
required uint32 unknown1 = 1; // 0 - needs to be serialized explicitly
required float phoneApiLevel = 2;
required string phoneName = 3; // phone model
required uint32 unknown3 = 4; // 224
required string region = 5; // 2-letter, upper case
// System
message System {
// 2, 1
optional Power power = 2;
// 2, 2
optional DeviceInfo deviceInfo = 3;
// 2, 3
optional Clock clock = 4;
// 2, 18
optional uint32 findDevice = 5; // 0
// 2, 29
optional DisplayItems displayItems = 10;
// 2, 34
optional DoNotDisturb dndStatus = 11;
// 2, 9 get | 2, 21 set
optional Password password = 19;
// 2, 7 get | 2, 8 set
optional Camera camera = 15;
// 2, 51
optional Widgets widgets = 28;
// 2, 53
optional WidgetsSingle widgetsSingle = 29;
// 2, 14
optional DoNotDisturb dnd2 = 34;
// 2, 15
optional DndSync dndSync = 35;
// 2, 46
optional VibrationPatterns vibrationPatterns = 38;
// 2, 47
optional VibrationNotificationType vibrationSetPreset = 39;
// 2, 58
optional CustomVibrationPattern vibrationPatternCreate = 40;
// 2, 59
optional VibrationTest vibrationTestCustom = 41;
// 2, 47
optional VibrationPatternAck vibrationPatternAck = 43;
// 2, 79
optional Charger charger = 49;
message Power {
optional Battery battery = 1;
message Battery {
optional uint32 level = 1;
optional uint32 state = 2;
optional LastCharge lastCharge = 3;
message LastCharge {
optional uint32 state = 1; // 2
optional uint32 timestampSeconds = 2;
message DeviceInfo {
required string serialNumber = 1;
required string firmware = 2;
optional string unknown3 = 3; // "" ?
required string model = 4;
message Clock {
required Date date = 1;
required Time time = 2;
required TimeZone timezone = 3;
required bool isNot24hour = 4;
message Date {
required uint32 year = 1;
required uint32 month = 2;
required uint32 day = 3;
message Time {
required uint32 hour = 1;
required uint32 minute = 2;
optional uint32 second = 3;
optional uint32 millisecond = 4;
message TimeZone {
// offsets are in blocks of 15 min
optional sint32 zoneOffset = 1;
optional sint32 dstOffset = 2;
required string name = 3;
message DisplayItems {
repeated DisplayItem displayItem = 1;
message DisplayItem {
optional string code = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional bool disabled = 3;
optional uint32 isSettings = 4;
optional uint32 unknown5 = 5; // 1
optional bool rarelyUsed = 6;
message Camera {
required bool enabled = 1;
message Widgets {
repeated Widget widget = 1;
message Widget {
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2;
repeated WidgetPart widgetPart = 3;
message WidgetPart {
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2;
optional uint32 unknown3 = 3;
message WidgetsSingle {
repeated SingleWidget widget = 1;
message SingleWidget {
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2;
optional uint32 unknown3 = 3;
optional string title = 4;
optional uint32 unknown5 = 5;
message DoNotDisturb {
optional uint32 status = 1; // 0 enabled, 2 disabled
message DoNotDisturb2 {
message DndSync {
message Password {
optional uint32 state = 1; // 1 disabled, 2 enabled
optional string password = 2;
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optional uint32 unknown3 = 3; // 0 when set on ret
2023-10-02 10:48:10 +02:00
message VibrationPatterns {
repeated VibrationNotificationType notificationType = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2; // 50, max patterns?
repeated CustomVibrationPattern customVibrationPattern = 3;
message CustomVibrationPattern {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
repeated Vibration vibration = 3;
optional uint32 unknown4 = 4; // 1 on creation
message VibrationNotificationType {
// 1 incoming calls
// 2 events
// 3 alarms
// 4 notifications
// 5 standing reminder
// 6 sms
// 7 goal
// 8 events
optional uint32 notificationType = 1;
optional uint32 preset = 2;
message VibrationTest {
repeated Vibration vibration = 1;
message VibrationPatternAck {
optional uint32 status = 1; // 0
message Vibration {
optional uint32 vibrate = 1; // 0/1
optional uint32 ms = 2;
message Charger {
optional uint32 state = 1; // 1 charging, 2 not charging
// Health
message Health {
optional UserInfo userInfo = 1;
optional SpO2 spo2 = 7;
optional HeartRate heartRate = 8;
// 8, 12 get | 8, 13 set
optional StandingReminder standingReminder = 9;
optional Stress stress = 10;
optional AchievementReminders achievementReminders = 13;
// 8, 35 get | 8, 36 set
optional VitalityScore vitalityScore = 14;
// 8, 26
optional WorkoutStatusWatch workoutStatusWatch = 20;
// 8, 30
optional WorkoutOpenWatch workoutOpenWatch = 25;
optional WorkoutOpenReply workoutOpenReply = 26;
// 7, 48
optional WorkoutLocation workoutLocation = 40;
// 8,45 enable | 8, 46 disable | 8, 47 periodic
optional RealTimeStats realTimeStats = 39;
message UserInfo {
optional uint32 height = 1; // cm
optional float weight = 2; // kg
optional uint32 birthday = 3; // YYYYMMDD
optional uint32 gender = 4; // 1 male, 2 female
optional uint32 maxHeartRate = 5;
optional uint32 goalCalories = 6;
optional uint32 goalSteps = 7;
optional uint32 goalStanding = 9; // hours
optional uint32 goalMoving = 11; // minutes
message SpO2 {
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1; // 1
optional bool allDayTracking = 2;
optional Spo2AlarmLow alarmLow = 4;
message Spo2AlarmLow {
optional bool alarmLowEnabled = 1;
optional uint32 alarmLowThreshold = 2; // 90, 85, 80
message HeartRate {
optional bool disabled = 1; // 0 enabled 1 disabled
optional uint32 interval = 2; // 0 smart 1 10 30
optional bool alarmHighEnabled = 3;
optional uint32 alarmHighThreshold = 4; // 100, 110, ... 150
optional AdvancedMonitoring advancedMonitoring = 5;
optional uint32 unknown7 = 7; // 1
optional HeartRateAlarmLow heartRateAlarmLow = 8;
required uint32 breathingScore = 9; // 1 on, 2 off
message AdvancedMonitoring {
required bool enabled = 1;
message HeartRateAlarmLow {
optional bool alarmLowEnabled = 1;
optional uint32 alarmLowThreshold = 2; // 40, 45, 50
message StandingReminder {
optional bool enabled = 1;
optional HourMinute start = 2;
optional HourMinute end = 3;
optional bool dnd = 4;
optional HourMinute dndStart = 6;
optional HourMinute dndEnd = 7;
message Stress {
optional bool allDayTracking = 1;
optional RelaxReminder relaxReminder = 2;
message AchievementReminders {
optional bool enabled = 1;
optional uint32 suggested = 2; // 0 moving, 1 standing
message RelaxReminder {
optional bool enabled = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2; // 0
message VitalityScore {
optional bool sevenDay = 1;
optional bool dailyProgress = 2;
message WorkoutStatusWatch {
optional uint32 timestamp = 1; // seconds
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2;
message WorkoutOpenWatch {
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1; // 2
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2; // 2
message WorkoutOpenReply {
// 3 2 10
// ...
// 0 2 10
// 0 2 2
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2;
optional uint32 unknown3 = 3;
message WorkoutLocation {
optional uint32 unknown1 = 1; // 10, sometimes 2
optional uint32 timestamp = 2; // seconds
optional double longitude = 3;
optional double latitude = 4;
optional float unknown6 = 6; // ?
optional float unknown7 = 7; // altitude?
optional float unknown8 = 8; // ?
optional float unknown9 = 9; // ?
message RealTimeStats {
optional uint32 steps = 1;
optional uint32 calories = 2;
optional uint32 unknown3 = 3; // increases during activity
optional uint32 heartRate = 4;
optional uint32 unknown5 = 5; // 0 probably moving time
optional uint32 standingHours = 6;
// Music
message Music {
// 18, 1
optional MusicInfo musicInfo = 1;
// 18, 2
optional MediaKey mediaKey = 2;
message MusicInfo {
required uint32 state = 1; // 0 not playing, 1 playing, 2 paused
optional uint32 volume = 2;
optional string track = 4;
optional string artist = 5;
optional uint32 position = 6;
optional uint32 duration = 7;
message MediaKey {
required uint32 key = 1; // 0 play, 1 pause, 3 prev, 4 next, 5 vol
optional uint32 volume = 2; // 100 vol+, 0 vol-
// Notification
message Notification {
optional Notification2 notification2 = 3;
optional Notification4 notification4 = 4;
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optional uint32 unknown8 = 8; // 1 on canned replies request?
// 7, 9 get | 7, 12 set
optional CannedMessages cannedMessages = 9;
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message Notification2 {
optional Notification3 notification3 = 1;
message Notification3 {
optional string package = 1;
optional string appName = 2;
optional string title = 3;
optional string timestamp = 6;
optional string unknown4 = 4;
optional string body = 5;
optional uint32 id = 7;
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optional string unknown8 = 8;
optional string unknown11 = 11;
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optional string unknown12 = 12;
optional uint32 hasReply = 13;
message Notification4 {
optional Notification5 notification5 = 1;
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message CannedMessages {
2023-10-02 10:48:10 +02:00
optional uint32 minReplies = 1;
repeated string reply = 2;
optional uint32 maxReplies = 3;
message Notification5 {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional string package = 2;
optional string unknown4 = 4;
// Weather
message Weather {
optional WeatherCurrent current = 1;
optional WeatherDaily daily = 2;
// 10, 6 request without payload?
// 10, 5 set current | 10, 7 create | 10, 8 delete
optional WeatherCurrentLocation currentLocation = 4;
// 10, 7 create
optional WeatherLocation create = 5;
// 10, 10
optional WeatherTemperatureUnit temperatureUnit = 6;
message WeatherCurrent {
message WeatherDaily {
message WeatherCurrentLocation {
optional WeatherLocation location = 1;
message WeatherLocation {
optional string code = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message WeatherUnknown1 {
optional float unknown12 = 12;
message WeatherTemperatureUnit {
optional uint32 unit = 1; // 1 celsius 2 fahrenheit
// Schedule
message Schedule {
// 17, 0 get
optional Alarms alarms = 1;
// 17, 1
optional AlarmDetails createAlarm = 2;
// 17, 3 -> returns 17, 5
optional Alarm editAlarm = 3;
optional uint32 ackId = 4; // id of created or edited alarm and event
// 17, 4
optional AlarmDelete deleteAlarm = 5;
// 17, 8 get | 17, 9 set
optional SleepMode sleepMode = 9;
// 17, 14 get: 10 -> 2: 50 // max events?
optional Events events = 10;
// 17,10 get/ret | 17,11 create | 17,13 delete
optional WorldClocks worldClocks = 11;
optional uint32 worldClockStatus = 13; // 0 on edit and create
// 17, 15
optional EventDetails createEvent = 14;
// 17, 17
optional Event editEvent = 15;
// 17, 18
optional EventDelete deleteEvent = 17;
message Alarms {
optional uint32 maxAlarms = 2; // 10
optional uint32 unknown3 = 3; // 0
optional uint32 unknown4 = 4; // 1
repeated Alarm alarm = 1;
message Alarm {
optional uint32 id = 1; // starts at 1
optional AlarmDetails alarmDetails = 2;
message AlarmDetails {
optional HourMinute time = 2;
optional uint32 repeatMode = 3; // 0 once, 1 daily, 5 weekly
optional uint32 repeatFlags = 4; // only if weekly: 31 during week, 1 monday, 2 tuesday, 3 mon tue
optional bool enabled = 5;
optional uint32 smart = 7; // 1 smart, 2 normal
message AlarmDelete {
repeated uint32 id = 1;
message SleepMode {
required bool enabled = 1;
optional SleepModeSchedule schedule = 2;
message SleepModeSchedule {
optional HourMinute start = 1;
optional HourMinute end = 2;
optional uint32 unknown3 = 3; // 0
message Events {
repeated Event event = 1;
optional uint32 unknown2 = 2; // 50, max events?
message Event {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional EventDetails eventDetails = 2;
message EventDetails {
optional Date date = 1;
optional Time time = 2;
optional uint32 repeatMode = 3; // 0 once, 1 daily, weekly (every monday), 7 monthly, 8 yearly
optional uint32 repeatFlags = 4; // 64 for unset, day flags on weekly
optional string title = 5;
message EventDelete {
repeated uint32 id = 1;
message WorldClocks {
repeated string worldClock = 1;
message HourMinute {
required uint32 hour = 1;
required uint32 minute = 2;